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ALS – Advanced Life Support • Confirmation cardiac arrest • Delivery of high quality chest compressions • Recognition of need for defibrillation • Safe defibrillation with minimum interruption to chest compressions • Module might be placed after “The deteriorating patient” • ABCDE approach to a deteriorating patient in case-based discussions •Identification and treatment of life-threatening problems as they are found •Call for help / escalate / refer to specialist •Indications for ECG monitoring •Effective ECG monitoring • Basic physiology of the ECG • 6-stage approach to rhythm recognition • Recognition of the common 12-lead ECG patterns of acute myocardial infarction • Principles of establishing and maintaining a patent airway • Provision of adequate ventilation • Indications for insertion of intraosseous (i.o.) access •Insertion of an i.o. device • Application of current guidelines and the skills taught into the practical management of the patient in cardiac arrest ● Following algorithms as set forth by European resuscitation Council Advanced life support (ALS) •Recognition of bradycardia and differentiation between the different degrees of heart block • Principles of bradycardia management • Indications for cardiac pacing • Different methods for cardiac pacing • Safe and effective application of non-invasive, transcutaneous electrical pacing • Recognition of types of tachycardia, defined by regularity and QRS width • Principles of tachycardia management • Indications for electrical and pharmacological cardioversion • Safe and effective synchronised cardioversion • Normal ranges for arterial blood gas values • 5-step approach to arterial blood gas interpretation • Causes of arterial blood gas abnormalities and what to do to correct them •The terminology associated with CO2 monitoring • The systems used to monitor end tidal CO2• The structure of a normal capnography waveform • The role of waveform capnography during CPR : • Principles of establishing and maintaining in Special circumstances
BLS – BLS Knowledge and skills ● Scene assessment and prevention of secondary accident (including self protection) ● Contents and use of Level 1 first-aid kit ● Priorities (‘ABC’—Airway, Breathing and Circulation) ● Emergency call-out procedures ● Relevant safety data sheets ● Prevention of blood-borne pathogens and other associated hazards ● Basic hygiene ● Use and application of the recovery position ● Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR), ● Confirmation cardiac arrest ●Delivery of high quality chest compressions● Basic airway management ●Recognition of need for defibrillation ●Safe defibrillation with minimum interruption to chest compressions ●
BLSFA – BLS – First Aid Course Knowledge and skills ● Scene assessment and prevention of secondary accident (including self protection) ● Contents and use of Level 1 first-aid kit ● Priorities (‘ABC’—Airway, Breathing and Circulation) ● Emergency call-out procedures ● Relevant safety data sheets ● Prevention of blood-borne pathogens and other associated hazards ● Basic hygiene ● Use and application of the recovery position ● Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR), ● Confirmation cardiac arrest ●Delivery of high quality chest compressions● Basic airway management ●Recognition of need for defibrillation ●Safe defibrillation with minimum interruption to chest compressions ●Module might be placed after “The deteriorating patient” ● Basic control of external bleeding ● Application of simple dressings ● Application of simple splints ● Eye washing of foreign bodies and chemical splashes ● Initial treatment of thermal or chemical injuries ● Ability to provide clear details of injury/illness.
BIC – BLSFA Instructor Course Basic Life Suport First Aid instructor has the following knowledge and skills: knows and manages the course pre-course activities, starts and manages the course activities, knows and is able to apply the course regulations correctly, knows and correctly applies the four-step adult learning meter, knows and knows how to apply different feedback techniques, begins and knows how to apply formative methods of candidate assessment, begins and knows how to apply summative methods of candidate assessment, knows and correctly uses methods of working in a small group, masters the techniques of restarting candidates who progress more slowly, uses methods aimed at guided learning, knows that properly administers course documentation.
EID – Edukator Instructor Day
FPOS L2 – FPOS Course Level 2 Knowledge and skills ● Scene assessment and prevention of secondary accident (including self protection) ● Contents and use of Level 1 first-aid kit ● Priorities (‘ABC’—Airway, Breathing and Circulation) ● Emergency call-out procedures ● Relevant safety data sheets ● Prevention of blood-borne pathogens and other associated hazards ● Basic hygiene ● Use and application of the recovery position ● Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR● Confirmation cardiac arrest ●Delivery of high quality chest compressions● Basic airway management ●Recognition of need for defibrillation ●Safe defibrillation with minimum interruption to chest compressions ● Basic control of external bleeding ● Application of simple dressings ● Application of simple splints ● Eye washing of foreign bodies and chemical splashes ● Initial treatment of thermal or chemical injuries ● Ability to provide clear details of injury/illness ● Contents and use of Level 2 first-aid kit ● Management of bleeding ● Management of simple wounds ● Management of an unconscious person ● Treatment for shock, hypothermia, heat injury, immersion, burns ● Various types of dressings ● Immobilization of injured parts ● Transportation of an injured or ill person ● Communication and delegation in an emergency ● Specific workplace risks ● Simple record keeping.
FPOS L3 – FPOS Course Level 3 Knowledge and skills ● Scene assessment and prevention of secondary accident (including self protection) ● Contents and use of Level 1 first-aid kit ● Priorities (‘ABC’—Airway, Breathing and Circulation) ● Emergency call-out procedures ● Relevant safety data sheets ● Prevention of blood-borne pathogens and other associated hazards ● Basic hygiene ● Use and application of the recovery position ● Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR● Confirmation cardiac arrest ●Delivery of high quality chest compressions● Basic airway management ●Recognition of need for defibrillation ●Safe defibrillation with minimum interruption to chest compressions ● Basic control of external bleeding ● Application of simple dressings ● Application of simple splints ● Eye washing of foreign bodies and chemical splashes ● Initial treatment of thermal or chemical injuries ● Ability to provide clear details of injury/illness ● Contents and use of Level 2 first-aid kit ● Management of bleeding ● Management of simple wounds ● Management of an unconscious person ● Treatment for shock, hypothermia, heat injury, immersion, burns ● Various types of dressings ● Immobilization of injured parts ● Transportation of an injured or ill person ● Communication and delegation in an emergency ● Specific workplace risks ● Simple record keeping ● Contents and the use of Level 3 medical kit ● Emergency response plan ● Food hygiene ● Administration of identified drugs and medicines under qualified supervision
FPOS L1 – FPOS L1 • Confirmation cardiac arrest • Delivery of high quality chest compressions • Recognition of need for defibrillation • Safe defibrillation with minimum interruption to chest compressions • Module might be placed after “The deteriorating patient” • ABCDE approach to a deteriorating patient in case-based discussions •Identification and treatment of life-threatening problems as they are found •Call for help / escalate / refer to specialist •Indications for ECG monitoring •Effective ECG monitoring • Basic physiology of the ECG • 6-stage approach to rhythm recognition • Recognition of the common 12-lead ECG patterns of acute myocardial infarction • Principles of establishing and maintaining a patent airway • Provision of adequate ventilation • Indications for insertion of intraosseous (i.o.) access •Insertion of an i.o. device • Application of current guidelines and the skills taught into the practical management of the patient in cardiac arrest ● Following algorithms as set forth by European resuscitation Council Advanced life support (ALS)
MIRA – MIRA 1.PREHOSPITAL ENVIRONMENT (hostile and passive perspective) 1.1. The role of the First Person on Scene 1.2. Management of scene safety and safety zone 1.3.1. Minimization of the risk of infection, BSI precaution 1.3.2. Air and blood born pathogen, Immunization 1.4. FPOS Equipment in use 1.5. Post incident/accident procedure 1.6.1. Effective communication with patient 1.6.2. Patient confidentiality 1.7. Primary assessment of casualty 2. BASIC LIFE SUPPORT & USE OF AED 2.1. CPR&AED 2.2. Recovery position 2.3. Choking 2.4. Post resuscitation care 3. BASIC AIRWAY MANAGEMENT 3.1. Recognition of respiratory problem 3.2. Head tilt, chin lift, jaw thrust maneuver 3.3. Suctioning 3.4. OPA, NPA, BWM 3.5. Oxygen administration 4. TRAUMA RELATED INJURIES 4.1. Trauma kinetic 4.2. Mass casualty and triage 4.3. Treatment of the conscious and unconscious casualty 4.4. Patient positioning per condition 4.5. Trauma assessment, ABCDE approach 4.6.1. Bleeding control 4.6.2. Hypovolemic shock – prevention 4.7.1. Initial care of the bone and joint injuries 4.7.2. Splinting of the limbs 4.8. Soft tissue injuries, CLIP.G, wound dressing 4.9.1. Primary management of spinal injuries 4.9.2. Helmet and body armor removal. 4.10.1. Head, Chest and Abdominal injuries 4.10.2. Ballistic injuries 4.11. Initial care of burns and scalds 4.12. Crush and blast injuries 5. PATIENT MOVING AND HANDLING 5.1. Extraction of the patient from the high risk zone 5.2. Lifting, moving and carrying techniques 6. MANAGEMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL ILLNESSES AND MEDICAL EMERGENCIES 6.1. Heat stroke & Dehydration 6.2. Hypothermia 6.3. Angina and heart attack 6.4. Diabetes 6.5. Stroke and seizure 6.6. Asthma 6.7. Anaphylaxis and allergic reaction 6.8. Epilepsy 7. SPECIAL PATIENTS CARE 7.1. Pediatric 7.2. Obstetric 7.3. Geriatric patients 8. PATIENT HANDOVER AND ASSISTING EMS 8.1. Capabilities of EMT`s and paramedics 8.2. Recognition of EMS equipment 8.3. Assistance to EMS
PALS – Pediatric Advanced Life Support • how to open the airway according to age * how and when to perform bag-mask ventilation, both the single-handed and the 2-person ventilation techniques • what to consider and how to react when bag-mask ventilation fails (DOPES)• how to recognize and respond to tension pneumothorax • how to open and maintain an airway, including the use of anoropharyngeal airway• how to manage an airway in trauma and how to prevent cervical spinal injury• When to consider an advanced airway and how to prepare for this procedures• what different types of shock exist and how they each affect subsequent treatment• how and when to give fluids in shock and what kind of fluids•how and when to perform IO insertion• the reasons for shock in trauma and how these affect treatment• how to recognize and respond to arrhythmia; • how to stabilize a child in SVT• to assess a critically ill child in a structured way and remember that reassess regularly• to identify the need for and start up vital treatments (oxygen, BMV fluids, medications)• to communicate in a good way between the team• to correctly identify the need for and to adequately perform specifics technical procedures (BMV, IO..)• to recognize cardiac arrest• to perform high quality BLS in an infant and in a child, both as single rescuer or as a team, including the use of BMV• to use an AED in pediatric cardiac arrest cases • to react in case of foreign body airway obstruction• to place a child in a recovery position • to assist in the transition from the birth of a newborn • to identify the need for and to perform inflation breaths and ventilatory support in those newborns needing it• to know what to do in case initial ventilations are not efficient, and do so •
PILS – Pediatric Immediate Life Support
PHTALS – Prehospital Advanced Trauma Life Support Preparation and role of Trauma Team Leader and Trauma Team member, Anatomical Terminology, Triage and Crisis management, Trauma Patient Assessment and Diagnosis, Initial Assessment, Primary Survey, Secondary Survey, Airway and Ventilatory Basic & Advanced Management (i-gel, LMA, ETI, RSI, emergency airway, needle cricothyrotomy), Chest stabilization, Chest decompression, External mass hemorrhage control, Shock, IV and IO access, Fluid replacement with infusion solutions, Chest and Abdominal trauma, FAST, RTG basics, Head trauma, Spine and Spinal Cord Trauma, Musculoskeletal Trauma, Pelvic Trauma, Injuries due to Burn and Cold, Pediatric and Elderly Trauma, Trauma in Women/Domestic Violence, fracture and dislocation Management, various use of splints, backboard, scope, KED, cervical spine, spine, pelvic and extremities immobilization, Extraction techniques, Drug Classification and Administration, Analgesia and Pain management, Advanced Life Support, Simulated Trauma Scenarios, Pre-hospitaITrauma Advanced Life Support
PHTALSIC – Prehospital Trauma Advanced Life Support Instructor Course Prehospital Advanced Life Support Instructor has the following knowledge and skills: knows and manages the course pre-course activities, starts and manages the course activities, knows and is able to apply the course regulations correctly, knows and correctly applies the four-step adult learning, knows and knows how to apply different feedback techniques, knows and knows how to apply formative methods of candidate assessment, begins and knows how to apply summative methods of candidate assessment, knows and correctly uses methods of working in a small group, masters the techniques of restarting candidates who progress more slowly, uses methods aimed at guided learning, knows that properly administers course documentation.understand the nature of teaching and learning,understand the needs of individual learners, understand the awareness of the four domains of learning;undertake the various types of teaching sessions on the provider courses.

Association Resuscitation Council of Serbia is a multidisciplinary civil society organization whose goal is to unite the efforts of all interested individuals and organizations in improving the quality of life-threatening persons.